Sorry it took so long to update on here. I have been fighting with a sinus infection off and on the past month. I am getting better!! yeah !!
Gavin turned 4 months on mon. We had a Dr. apt today!!! He is 14 lbs & 9 oz. and 24 in long!!! He also got the second round of shots!!! No fun, but he sleeps all day and when he has recovered he is the same happy boy!!
He is a growing boy!!!! He is trying so hard to sit up he is not a fan of laying down as much any more and if you pull him up he will stiffen up his legs and stand up!! WOW he is just a joy to have around and i still can't believe it has been 4 months!!!!
Also Congrats to Taby and Gene they had a baby Boy the end of Oct. His name is terry!! I haven't gone and seen him yet cause of the sinus infection I can't wait !!!! Congrats you guys I am so happy that your family is growing and he looks beautiful!!!!