Brandon is back in school and Gavin and I are having a blast learning and enjoying the nice weather ( at least when it is not humid). We have been going to the park every morning after we drop brandon off at school. It is so peaceful, and quite. Gavin has the run of the whole park cause it is early. We love it. we also went to the Children's Muesum last week. There was a guitars and cars exibit and he loved it. He walked up to every car and said "car" he was so proud of him self. We went to the State fair with Jordan, Jenni, Ben and emma. we had a blast. The kids got to be farmers, and pet/feed animals, and play at the fish pond. We had so much fun and the kids just love playing together.
Gavin had a swallow study last tues. We were hopeing it would tell us if he could eat more solid food and not have to thicken his drinks. But Gavin had a different plan altogether. We only Got a few swallows of liquid before he realized that it tasted like crap and then threw a fit. He started thrashing and it really was a waste of time. So we are still where we left off. But what they did see from the study was that he is still asperating liquid. So we are still on a waiting game
The Colts tranning camp is in anderson for the Next couple weeks. Brandon's Cousin Hollie and I have been going to the camp. We have had a blast!!! We have Gotten Autographs from Peyton Manning, Jeff Saturday, Dallas Clark, Reggie Wayne ,Coach Caldwell, Jamie Silva, Devon Moore and Antoine Bethea. We have had a Blast!!! Gavin Went one day and He loved watching them throw the ball. Every time he would see it in the air he would be like "ball" "ball" It was so much fun. I talked to clark and got Brandon's Jersey signed and told him that i was doing this for my husband becase he had surgery and He asked what type and then said that brandon needs to stick to therpy! It was great!!! Jeff Saturday Coach Caldwell Gavin Zadia and Blue Reggie Wayne Peyton Manning Gavin Having fun Addi'