On Super Bowl Sunday we had Jordan and Jenny and brandons' mom over. We had some good food and some great laughs thanks to Gavin and Ben. Gavin just loves watching ben and it just maks him smile so big!! It is so cute they are going to be great friends one day!!
This is Gavin's Super Bowl outfit and his cars chair!!! Big pimping!!
Last week Gavin got the flu on mon. and then i got it on tues. and it was not fun at all. Tues was the day that it snowed really bad and Brandon's friend died because of an acciedent. So i stayed at my parents house since i was at work when i started to feel bad. My mom got it later that afternoon and brandon kinda had it for a couple days after that. After 2 days of that i got a sinus infection. wow i am doing so well health wise!!! NOT!!
Brandon's freind jackson had a baby on fri. and so did my freind sam!! Sam's son was 9lbs 1 oz and is named Masan. Brandon doesn't know all the info on Jackson's so to be cont. Congrats to both of them!!!!
Gavin is doing great he has finally found his feet and actully plays with them. He loves to play piano at my mom's house and he now can sit in a high chair!!! Yeah!!!

1 comment:
He is soooo cute! I can't wait to see him again!
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