But any ways.....
My dad's side of the family came down to Indy and we got to see them for almost two days!! We colored eggs with Jake and Colin and did Easter egg hunts in the front yard. We really had a great Easter!!!
One of Brandon's Students was the Easter Bunny at the mall So we took Gavin and had his Picture taken

Gavin has had Two play dates in the past month and it was so much fun!!! We went and saw Jenn and Haley and it was interesting to watch them attempt to intereact but in the end just steal toys from each other. And then we went and saw another friend from high school Erica and her son davy. He was only 11 weeks old and 15 lbs. he was adorable and it was fun to see the diffrece in size and actions. Hope we see alot more of the both of them.
Haley and Gavin drinking out of their sippy cups

Congratulations to Jenni and Jordan and the birth of Emerson Joy (emma)
Jordan and jenni have a son ben who was scheduled to get tubes put in his ears on jenni's due date and jenni said no one ever goes on their due date. haha she was wrong. while ben was getting the tubes put in she started haveing contractions and then drove home and then to the hospital to deliver. She Got to the hospital at noon and was 3 cm got checked and then put in her room and she was 4 cm. She almost didn't get an epidural and had emma at 2:40 She was 9lbs 7 oz. Ben isn't use to emma and he keeps calling emma Gavin. haha Congrats you guys!!!
Ben is Such a good Big Brother!!

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