That is alot!!! My computer hates me so i dont have internet but i am hopeing to have that fixed soon!!
Gavin had a great birthday! on his birthday we went to a surgen to find out about his cyst and he said it didn't seem to affect anything and just to watch it. We had a party at our house and it was a blast he did a good job of screwing up his cake just none of it went in his mouth.
Gavin's dr. decided that we should see a neroligist because of gavin's delay and eatting issues. So we saw her and loved her and she couldn't get enough of Gavin. We have to see how far he progresses before his next visit if not we might have to get an mri So because of that he may have to be put under so we went to go see an ENT (ear, nose and throat dr) and we are now waiting to go threw a swallow study and meet with a speech therepist and wait to see if he has food allergy. It has been along road with drs but we are progressing each day more and more. and we are just happy that he is a happy boy and we love him.
gavin also got his first hair cut!! how sad he is getting to be a big boy
My grandma turned 90 this year so i made her 3 cakes and put 30 candels on each. One had beer tabs on it, one had a tolit, and one hadcards. All related to stories or things we all know grandma loves!!! She loved them. While at the family reunion we got to meet bella , one of my cousins kids and they were just so cute together.
We went on a trip to cinni. with branon's mom and brother and had a blast!!! We went to kings island. We road a bunch of insane rollercoasters one that u lie down on. Gavin and grandma hung out and went on some little kid rides. we went to the water park and we took him on lzy river and had a blast. we also took gavin to his first reds game. We lost but still we had a great time!!
Haley also turned one and We went and saw her make a mess!! It was great she had cake all over and even tried to get jeremy (her dad covered in it) Happy Birthday Little Girl!!
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