Today was my offical due date! So he is almost 7 weeks old and what a wonderful 7 weeks it has been. He is getting so much bigger! He is almost 8 lbs, he holds his head up really well and is a really content baby for the most part. We are just happy that he is here happy and healthy!!
can you tell how much he has grown that is the same seat that he is in! left is the day we brought him home and the one on the right is today!!!
My sisters birthday was last weekend. Beth (sister) my mom and me all went to the spa and had a spa day and hung out. It was really a great time and i really needed that massage. On sunday we went out to brunch at Ruth Chris and was the food good. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Beth hadn't seen gavin since he was born and she had never held him before so she got to enjoy her nephew!! The family (minus brandon, he had to fix our leaking toilet after lunch) Grandpa and Gavin taking a nap
So Gavin is getting bigger he finally fits in his swing and his boppy. I never would have thought that my son wouldn't fit these when he was first born. Also another funny moment when i was feeding him i realized that he was holding the bottle all by himself. hehe
Most of you know that i am obsessed with pictures. Well for my birthday (still far away) my present is pictures of Gavin done professionally. We had them taken this smorning and here are 2 of the pictures. can't wait for the rest.
Gavin is one month old today, I can't believe it!!! We have had a busy weekend and today we are just enjoying our little man and our family!
On fri. we went to the state fair with Jordan and Jenni and their son Ben. We had so much fun and it was deffinitly a lesson in strollers for me haha!
Ben petting baby piggies
Gavin's Version of the fair
Ben petting a mule
Ben looking at a cow
Last night we took Gavin out to dinner with us. We went to Texas Roadhouse and had a great dinner with Brandon's Cousin Becky and her Husband. We came back and played board games. I also got to drink my first beer since he was born. I was so happy to get a Corona Light! Here are new pictures taken today for his 1 month!!! He is getting so big (yet still so small) I can't beilive a month ago he was born it seems like he was just born. We are so lucky to have him in our life and i couldn't imagine not having him.