Gavins Birthday

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

1 Year!!!

Yesterday was Brandon and I's 1 year Anniversary I can't believe it! It seems like not that long ago we were trying to figure out all the wedding plans. Now we are a family with the addition of Gavin and our wonderful kitty Madison. Wow!

We had a wonderful day as a family. We went to the park and had a picnic, it was kinda rainy but the weather looked just like it did on our wedding day, except it didn't actually rain last year. We took Gavin with us and just made it seem perfect. We took him on his first walk in his stroller and he slept right threw it.

Then last night we took Gavin to my mom's house so we could go to the movie Dark Knight. It was really weird to be with out Gavin. Every where we have gone he has been with us, but mom of coarse had a blast with Gavin and is enjoying being a grandma!

One year, a great year and many more wonderful years to go I can't wait!!


The Western Family said...

Congratulations you guys.

Lindsey @ Enjoying Healthy Foods said...

Yay!!! Happy Anniversary!!! Adam and I celebrate 4 years tomorrow... CRAZY how time flies!

Unknown said...

Love that little cutie!