On fri. we went to the state fair with Jordan and Jenni and their son Ben. We had so much fun and it was deffinitly a lesson in strollers for me haha!
Last night we took Gavin out to dinner with us. We went to Texas Roadhouse and had a great dinner with Brandon's Cousin Becky and her Husband. We came back and played board games. I also got to drink my first beer since he was born. I was so happy to get a Corona Light!
Here are new pictures taken today for his 1 month!!! He is getting so big (yet still so small) I can't beilive a month ago he was born it seems like he was just born. We are so lucky to have him in our life and i couldn't imagine not having him.
Can't believe it's already been a month since little Gavin was born. Such a handsome little guy. Glad you guys had a great time at the fair. We're not going this year because Haley's isn't even two weeks old yet.
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